Multi Treatment Cream




产品规格: 15毫升

  • 银杏叶提取物:富含强效抗氧化剂,能够减少炎症并舒缓皮肤,对暗疮和面部红肿等状况有益。
  • 希蒙得木(荷荷巴)籽油:作为一种优秀的润肤剂,它增强了皮肤的修复性能。不会堵塞毛孔,适合所有肤质,提供局部舒缓的好处。
  • 尤加利油:可能促进角质酰胺产生,保持皮肤湿润。其抗炎特性可以帮助预防紫外B诱导的胶原蛋白降解。
  • 柠檬油:具有收敛特性,可以增强暗沉的皮肤,使疲惫的肌肤恢复活力,并以其防腐特性治疗痘痘和皮肤疾病。
  • 茶树精油:因其防腐、抗菌和抗炎特性而备受重视,通常用于局部应用以应对皮肤问题并促进皮肤健康。


适合早上和晚上使用 – 洁脸及搽上化妆水与精华素后使用

Multi Treatment Cream


A specially formulated moisturizer, enriched with various plant extracts and Tea Tree Oil, designed to diminish blemishes and impurities. Regular use of this product harnesses its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial benefits, aiding in the reduction of acne. The skin remains fresh and matte, while the moisturizer refines the complexion, imparting a soothing, calming, and cooling effect.


Size: 15ml


  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract: Rich in potent antioxidants, it reduces inflammation and soothes the skin, making it beneficial for conditions like acne and facial redness.
  • Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil: An excellent emollient, it enhances the skin’s restorative properties. Non-comedogenic and suitable for all skin types, it offers topical soothing benefits.
  • Eucalyptus Essential Oil: May boost ceramide production, keeping skin moisturized. Its anti-inflammatory properties can help prevent UVB-induced collagen degradation.
  • Lemon Essential Oil: Enhances dull skin, rejuvenates tired-looking skin with astringent properties, treats pimples and skin disorders with antiseptic effects.
  • Tea Tree Essential Oil: Valued for its antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, it’s commonly used topically to address skin conditions and promote skin health.

  Skin Type : Oily and Acne Skin

Suitable for day and night use – apply on affected area after cleansing, toning and serum/ infusion.

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