Age Reverse Series


Age Reverse Series,一套完整的逆龄试用套装助您的肌肤释放青春活力。从洁面乳到防晒霜甚至还不忘保湿面膜来帮助您的肌肤补充水分。这套装拥有一切所需,让您的肌肤达到逆龄效果。

Age Reverse 小套盒里含有的产品:

  • Softening Cleanser (10毫升)
  • Oasis Concentrate (10毫升)
  • Alluring Cream (15克)
  • Signature Peach UV Protection SPF 30 (5毫升)
  • Booster Masque (3毫升)



  • 使用 Softening Cleanser洁脸
  • Booster Masque 是额外的护肤护理。为了获得最佳效果,建议每周使用两次。涂抹一层在整个面部和颈部,静置30分钟,然后冲洗干净。
  • 涂抹 Oasis Concentrate 并进行轻柔的环形按摩,直至完全吸收。
  • 涂抹 Alluring Cream 保湿霜

如果是早间护肤步骤,请涂抹 Signature Peach UV Protection SPF30。

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Age Reverse Series


Unlock youthful radiance with our complete anti-aging trial set. From cleanser to sunscreen and a hydrating mask, this set has everything you need for a revitalized complexion.

Products in Age Reverse Mini Trial Kit:

  • Softening Cleanser (10ml)
  • Oasis Concentrate (10ml)
  • Alluring Cream (15gm)
  • Signature Peach UV Protection SPF 30 (5ml)
  • Booster Masque (3ml)


Please visit each item’s product page for the key ingredient lists.

Dry and Mature Skin.

  • Cleanse with Softening Cleanser
  • Booster Masque is an extra skin regimen. For best result, apply twice a week. Apply a layer all over face and neck, leave on for 30mins, and then rinse off.
  • Apply Oasis Concentrate and perform light circular massage movement till fully absorb.
  • Apply Alluring Cream

If morning routine, apply Signature Peach UV Protection SPF30

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