Oxygen Hydro Mist


高含量有氧成分,能立即补充水分,加速愈合受损细胞。 适合随身携带也非常适合舒缓晒伤肌肤、减轻剃须后的刺激、缓解昆虫叮咬、热疹、瘙痒和轻微皮肤刺激。这款喷雾有助于舒缓肌肤并平衡其酸碱值。含有芦荟以缓解刺激、炎症和瘙痒,还有锌以保护您的肌肤免受到紫外线的侵害!


产品规格: 60毫升 & 150毫升

  • 含氧水:富含氧气,可能有助于提亮肌肤并收缩毛孔。
  • 芦荟:具有保湿、舒缓和镇定特性,因此对缓解刺激和红肿非常有效。
  • 锌:提供防止紫外线损伤的保护作用,具有防腐特性,并有助于保持皮肤的水分。

任何肌肤类型 – 尤其是过敏肌肤 (可达到立即舒缓的效果)。

不含人造香精、 染补剂及油。闭上双眼后可直接喷于脸及颈部; 或可选择先喷射在化妆棉, 然后擦拭于脸及颈部即可。

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Oxygen Hydro Mist


Refresh yourself with our highly oxygenated facial mist—a perfect companion for toning on the go. Ideal for soothing sunburned skin, alleviating after-shave irritation, relieving insect bites, heat rashes, itching, and minor skin irritation. This mist, enriched with natural extracts, helps soothe the skin and balance its pH level. With Aloe Vera to alleviate irritation, inflammation, and itchiness, plus Zinc to protect your skin from the blazing sun!


Size: 60ml or 150ml

  • Oxygenated Aqua: enriched with oxygen, may help brighten the skin and tighten pores.
  • Aloe Vera: offers hydration, soothing, and calming properties, making it effective for alleviating irritation and redness.
  • Zinc: provides protection against UV damage, acts as an antiseptic, and helps maintain moisture in the skin.

All Skin Type – especially Irritated Skin.

Suitable for day and night use – Spray to face and neck with eyes closing, or spray onto cotton pad then wipe on face and neck area after proper cleansing. At least twice a day.

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