Purifying Essence




产品规格: 15毫升

  • 薄荷油:薄荷油具有舒缓和清凉的效果,能够使皮肤焕然一新。其调节油脂分泌的能力使其在对抗暗疮方面非常有效。
  • 薰衣草油:薰衣草油具有抗菌和抗炎特性,可减少暗疮并舒缓皮肤。它也以缓解红肿和帮助伤口愈合而闻名。


早晚使用 – 洁面与爽肤后,取少量轻轻涂抹于脸部直至完全吸收

Purifying Essence


An essence that effectively minimize blemishes and impurities with Purifying Essence, featuring anti-inflammatory properties to soothe and calm irritated, oily and acne-prone skin. Other than reducing the appearance of blemishes, it also works to moisturize skin and tighten pores.


Size: 15ml


  • Mentha Piperita (Peppermint Oil): Peppermint oil offers soothing and cooling effects that refresh the skin. Its ability to regulate oil secretion makes it effective in combating acne.
  • Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil: Lavender oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, reducing acne and soothing the skin. It’s also known to alleviate redness and aid in wound healing.


  Skin Type : Oily and Acne Skin

Use twice a day – After cleansing and toning, smooth a small amount of the serum onto the affected areas. Gently dab on until it is fully absorbed. Use twice a day.


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