Collagen Nano Silk Mask


此面膜富含水解胶原蛋白,滋润肌肤的同时能预防细纹和皱纹的产生。敷上Collagen Nano Silk Mask可以平衡肌肤的pH值,优化其有效吸收水分和营养的能力。在pH值平衡的情况下,面膜进一步为肌肤补水,增强皮肤免疫力,强化吸收效果,确保您的肌肤获得足够的营养,呈现出活力焕发的肤色。


产品规格: 一盒5片

  • 水解胶原蛋白:减少皮肤干燥、脱屑、细纹和皱纹。
  • 燕麦蛋白提取物: 以其保湿特性闻名,舒缓、柔润并滋养皮肤。
  • 玻尿酸: 提供强烈的保湿效果,并锁住水分,从而平滑细纹和皱纹。
  • 海藻萃取:提供保湿,抗氧化特性,并具有镇静、舒缓和美白效果。
  • 酵母:促进新陈代谢,促进细胞更新,使皮肤更加健康。


把面膜敷于脸及颈部 停留15-20分钟, 过后再用水洗净即可。一周至少使用两次以达到更好的效果。

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Collagen Nano Silk Mask


Our thin silky sheet mask is enriched with Hydrolyzed Collagen moisturizes the skin, and prevents fine lines and wrinkles. Upon application, the mask works to balance the skin’s pH level, optimizing its ability to absorb moisture and nutrients effectively. With the pH level balanced, the mask further rehydrates the skin, enhances skin immunity, and strengthens the absorption effect, ensuring your skin receives adequate nutrition for a revitalized and nourished complexion.

Size: 5 PCS/box


  • Hydrolyzed Collagen: Reduces skin dryness, scaling, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • Avena Sativa Protein Extract: Known for its moisturizing characteristics, it soothes, smoothens, and nourishes the skin
  • Sodium Hyaluronate: Delivers intense hydration and traps moisture, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Algae Extract: Offers hydration, antioxidant properties, and has calming, soothing, and whitening effects.
  • Yeast: Boosts metabolism and promotes cell renewal for healthier skin.


  Skin Type : All Skin Type

Lay over face and neck, leave on for 15-20mins, and then rinse off. For better result, at least use twice a week.

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