The Radiant Mousse Mask


涂抹上这款具有玫瑰芬芳且柔软的慕斯型面膜,仿佛在美好的周末体验了一场舒适的SPA。玫瑰和左型維他命 C的活性成分共同作用,使肌肤更加白皙明亮。这款美白面膜能使皮肤变得透亮,同时,确保肌肤保持水润。


产品规格: 一盒7袋


  • 玫瑰:减少细纹,提亮肤色,并赋予肌肤如玫瑰般的光泽。提供一种令人舒缓的香气,有助于抵抗抑郁和紧张情绪。
  • 左型維他命 C:深层渗透,提供强效抗氧化剂以延缓衰老和对抗自由基。减少黑色素的产生,淡化斑点,均匀肤色。
  • 山梨醣醇:提供优秀的保湿效果,保持皮肤水润柔软,改善肌肤状况。
  • 甘草:一种温和的植物成分,以其高效的美白、镇静和增强免疫力的特性而闻名,能够使肌肤更加明亮。
  • 玻尿酸:提供强效的保湿并锁住水分,平滑细纹和皱纹。
  • 甜菜鹼:为皮肤提供滋润感觉,增强皮肤状态,预防粗糙和干燥,促进柔软和光滑的肌肤质地。



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The Radiant Mousse Mask


Immerse yourself in the delightful aroma of Rose as you apply this soft mousse-type mask. The active ingredients of Rose and L-ascorbic Acid work together to whiten and brighten your skin. This whitening mask revitalizes dull skin, all while ensuring your skin stays hydrated.

Size: 6gm x 7 PCS/Box


  • Rose: Reduces fine lines, brightens skin, and imparts a glowing complexion like roses. Offers a soothing aroma to fight depression and tension.
  • L-ascorbic Acid: Penetrates deeply, providing potent antioxidants to delay aging and combat free radicals. Reduces melanin production, fades spots, and evens skin tone.
  • Sorbitol: Offers excellent moisturizing effects, keeping the skin hydrated and soft, and improving skin condition.
  • Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate: A mild botanical ingredient known for its highly effective whitening, calming, and immunity-enhancing properties, which brighten the skin.
  • Sodium Hyaluronate: Delivers intense hydration and traps moisture, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Betaine: Provides a moisturizing sensation to the skin, enhances skin conditioning, prevents rough and dry skin, and promotes a soft and smooth texture.

Skin Type : All Skin Type

After cleansing, first pour 20-30ml of water (room temperature) into a mousse cup, then take a pack (6 g) of mousse mask powder into the water, cover with a lid and shake it evenly. After the stick is evenly mixed, apply on the face, leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water. For better result, at least use twice a week.

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