Restorative Infusion




产品规格: 30毫升

  • 菊花提取物:富含维生素A、B6、C和K。是优秀的抗氧化剂和抗炎、抗菌特性的来源。
  • 山梨糖醇:具有有效的保湿特性,提供良好的平滑和调理效果。
  • 甘草提取物:具有抗炎作用。有助于淡化黑斑和瑕疵,让肌肤变得更亮。同时也可以逆转疤痕的黑化。
  • 马齿苋提取物:具有强大的抗刺激特性,舒缓敏感、瘙痒的皮肤。作为维生素A、C和E以及辅酶Q10的天然来源,它是优秀的抗氧化剂。
  • 尿囊素:天然成分,舒缓并保护皮肤,增加水分、光滑度,并有助于治愈伤口、烧伤和疤痕。
  • 玻尿酸:提供深层保湿并锁住水分,平滑细纹和皱纹。

敏感、 过敏、 干性敏感及受损性肌肤。

适合早上和晚上使用 –  洁脸后使用,利用轻微打圈按摩动作至吸收即可, 适合用于脸及颈部。

Restorative Infusion


Infuse your skin with our Restorative Infusion essence to promote the cell’s metabolism rate. This gentle and natural essence repairs dry, damaged, sensitive skin with soothing ingredients such as Chrysanthemum extract, Sorbitol, Liquorice extract, Purslane extract, and more.


Size: 30ml


  • Chrysanthemum extract: Rich source of vitamin A, B6, C, and K. Excellent source of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties
  • Sorbitol: Effective moisturizing properties, provides good smoothing & conditioning effects.
  • Licorice extract: Anti-inflammatory. Help to fade dark spots and blemishes, and lighten skin. Also reverse darkening of scars.
  • Purslane extract: It has strong anti-irritant properties and soothes sensitive, itchy skin. Natural source of vitamins A, C and E, and the co-enzyme Q10, it is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Allantoin: This natural agent soothes and protects skin, increases moisture, smoothness, and aids in healing wounds, burns, and scars.
  • Sodium Hyaluronate: Delivers intense hydration and traps moisture, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.


Skin Type : Sensitive, Allergic, Dry Sensitive and Damaged Skin.

Suitable for day and night use – Apply cream onto face and neck after cleansing, perform light circular massage movement till fully absorb.