Lightening Essence Mask




产品规格: 50毫升

  • 花楸醇:提供保湿,充当抗氧化剂,具有镇静特性,并增加渗透水平。
  • 熊果树:表现出强大的抗氧化特性,促进皮肤美白和淡化,并抑制黑色素的产生。
  • 金缕梅:支持细胞修复,提供保湿,缓解瘙痒和炎症,平衡皮肤pH值,并具有收敛作用。
  • 维生素 B5:促进细胞修复,增强细胞新陈代谢,并提高其他活性成分的渗透水平。
  • 银耳多糖:缓解皮肤脱水,修复皮肤屏障,保持皮肤健康。富含抗氧化剂,防止自由基引起的早衰。
  • 尿囊素:滋润皮肤,增强皮肤光滑度,促进伤口愈合,并舒缓受刺激的皮肤。
  • 雪松精油:含有抗炎化合物,舒缓和平静受刺激的皮肤。
  • 柠檬精油:具有收敛特性,能够净化皮肤,同时使其变得更加明亮。
  • 甜杏仁油:有助于平衡水分吸收和水分流失,舒缓并滋润皮肤。


把面膜搽于脸及颈部 (至少2毫分的厚度) 停留15-20分钟, 过后再用水洗净即可。一周至少使用两次以达到更好的效果。

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Lightening Essence Mask


Brighten and even your skin tone with this lightweight gel-type mask. Formulated with a blend of natural plant extracts and essential oil to improve rough and dull skin complexion, rehydrate your skin, and provide protection against free radicals. This mask instantly calms your skin upon application. After washing it away, you’ll feel your skin soften, brighten, and moisturize!


Size: 50ml

  • Sorbitol: Provides hydration, acts as an antioxidant, has calming properties, and increases penetration levels.
  • Bearberry Extract: Exhibits strong antioxidant properties, promotes whitening and lightening of the skin, and inhibits melanin production.
  • Witch Hazel: Supports cell repair, provides hydration, alleviates itchiness and inflammation, balances skin pH, and acts as an astringent.
  • Panthenol: Promotes cell repair, boosts cell metabolism, and enhances the penetration level of other active ingredients.
  • Tremella Extract: Relieves skin dehydration, repairs the skin barrier, and maintains skin health. It’s rich in antioxidants, guarding against premature aging from free radicals.
  • Allantoin: Moisturizes the skin, enhances skin smoothness, stimulates wound healing, and soothes irritated skin.
  • Cedarwood Essential Oil: Contains anti-inflammatory compounds that soothe and calm irritated skin.
  • Lemon Essential Oil: Exhibits astringent properties and clarifies the skin while lightening and brightening it.
  • Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis (Sweet Almond Oil): Helps balance moisture absorption and water loss, soothing and replenishing the skin.

Skin Type : All Skin Type

Apply a thick layer (at least 2mm thick) all over face and neck, leave on for 15-20mins, then rinse off. For better result, at least use twice a week.

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