Elemental Care Ampoule


  • 纳米左旋维 C 浓缩安瓿:改善肤色,淡化色素沉着,并焕发整体肌肤光彩。
  • 蜗牛干细胞亮泽精华安瓿: 质地丝滑的精华液,滋润肌肤并激发活力,同时具备保湿和修复功效。


产品规格: 2毫升/安瓶


Nano L.A Concentrate Ampoule

  • 左旋维C:强效抗氧化,促进胶原蛋白生成,使皮肤更紧致,淡化色素沉淀,预防黑斑。
  • 甘油:作为保湿剂将水分吸引到皮肤上,同时作为润肤剂保持皮肤湿润、柔软和有弹性。
  • 玻尿酸:提供强效保湿并锁住水分,平滑细纹和皱纹。
  • 黄瓜提取物:舒缓、缓解、清新并保湿皮肤。


Lustrous Enhancer Essence (with Snail Stemcell) Ampoule

  • 蜗牛干细胞:软化并平滑皮肤,减少肿胀,并具有抗炎特性。
  • 丝油: 为皮肤提供弹性、滋养、柔软和光滑。
  • 玫瑰油:排毒,促进新陈代谢,并具有抗菌和抗炎特性。
  • 维他命A:增加胶原蛋白沉积,减缓胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的正常老化分解。
  • 神经酰胺:减少皮肤脱屑并增强保湿能力。


  • 纳米左旋维C浓缩安瓿 – 适合晚上使用,洁脸及搽上化妆水后使用, 适合用于脸和颈部, 接着再搽上合适的脸霜。
  • 蜗牛干细胞亮泽精华安瓿 – 适合早上和晚上使用, 洁脸及搽上化妆水后使用, 适合用于脸和颈部, 接着再搽上合适的脸霜。

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Elemental Care Ampoule


The Elemental Care Ampoule set includes four ampoules. There are two types of ampoules for achieving glowing skin, and you can mix and match them.

  • Nano L.A. Ampoule: Brightens skin complexion, lightens pigmentation, and revitalizes overall skin radiance.
  • Lustrous Enhancer Ampoule (with snail extract): A silkyessence that nourishes and revitalizes skin while moisturizing and repairing it.


Size: 2ml/ampoule

Nano L.A Concentrate Ampoule

  • L-Ascorbic acid: A strong antioxidant reverses sun damage, boosts collagen for firmer skin, lightens pigmentation, and prevents dark spots.
  • Glycerin: Draws moisture to the skin as a humectant, while also acting as an emollient to keep the skin moist, soft, and supple.
  • Sodium hyaluronate: Delivers intense hydration and traps moisture, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Cucumber extract: Soothes, relieves, refreshes, and hydrates the skin.


Lustrous Enhancer Essence (with Snail Stemcell) Ampoule

  • Snail Secretion (snail stem cell): Softens and smooths skin, reduces swelling, and possesses anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Silk oil: Provides elasticity, nourishment, softness, and smoothness to the skin.
  • Rose oil: Detoxifies, boosts metabolism, and possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Vitamin A: Increases collagen deposition, slowing the normal aging breakdown of collagen and elastin.
  • Ceramide: Decreases skin shedding and enhances moisturizing ability.


Skin Type :  All Skin Type

  • Nano L.A Concentrate Ampoule – suitable for use at night only. Apply all over the face and neck area after cleansing and toning, follow by moisturizer.
  • Lustrous Enhancer Essence (with Snail Stemcell) Ampoule – suitable for use at day and night, apply all over the face and neck area after cleansing and toning, follow by moisturizer.


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