Vital I System



产品规格: 15毫升


  • 玻尿酸:提供强效的保湿和锁水效果,平滑细纹和皱纹。
  • 银杏提取物:预防皮肤出现皱纹、细纹和干燥等明显老化迹象。
  • 人参提取物:起着很好的爽肤水作用,并改善皮肤中胶原蛋白的形成。
  • 金缕梅提取:减少眼部浮肿并舒缓皮肤。
  • 棕榈三肽-5:含有氨基酸的小分子,是构成皮肤蛋白质的基本组成部分。
  • 水解胶原蛋白:增强皮肤弹性和紧致度。


适合肤质: 任何眼部周围皮肤的困扰 – 包括黑眼圈、浮肿、细纹、皱纹及其他

适合早上和晚上使用 – 取适量产品(小红豆般大小),涂抹于眼睛周围部位,然后进行轻微按摩动作至完全吸收为止。

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Vital I System


Defend against digital eye fatigue with our Vital I System. It diminishes the appearance of dark circles with Gingko extract, reduces eye puffiness with Witch Hazel extract by improving blood circulation around the eyes. Meanwhile, it smooths fine lines and crow’s feet wrinkles around the eyes with the inclusion of Ginseng extract, Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5, and Hydrolyzed Collagen. Use it consistently to keep your eyes looking vital and lively!


Size: 15ml


  • Hyaluronic Acid: Provides strong hydration and moisture-trapping effects, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Ginkgo Extract: Prevents visible signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dryness of the skin.
  • Ginseng Extract: Acts as a great toner and improves collagen formation in the skin.
  • Witch Hazel Extract: Reduces puffy eyes and soothes the skin
  • Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5: A small molecule containing amino acids, the building blocks of skin proteins.
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen: Enhances skin elasticity and firmness.

Skin Type :  All types of concern around the eyes – including Dark Eye Circle, Puffiness, Fine Lines, Wrinkles and etc.

Suitable for day and night use – Take a necessary amount (small red bean size) apply around eye area, perform circular movement till fully absorb.

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