Oil Free Sebum Solution


这款清爽的Oil Free Sebum Solution采用植物配方,有效预防黑头和白头粉刺。它含有抗炎和抗菌的成分,可调节油脂分泌,而不会引起刺激或毛孔阻塞。配方中的薄荷叶提取物和茶树精油赋予肌肤微妙而清新的感觉,为您的皮肤提供即时的舒缓效果。


产品规格: 30毫升

  • 金缕梅提取物:缓解炎症,抗击细菌,并具有抗氧化作用。
  • 白柳皮提取物:改善皮肤质地,具有天然去角质作用,并帮助清洁毛孔以减少黑头和痘痘。
  • 木瓜蛋白酶:更新酶能够去除皮肤老化角质,增强肤色光泽,并提供丰富的B族维生素和抗氧化剂。
  • 芦荟叶提取物:减少疤痕,促进伤口愈合,并保护皮肤免受紫外线损伤。
  • 薄荷叶提取物:通过作为对抗细菌、真菌和其他微生物的屏障,保护皮肤免受感染。
  • 茶树油:具有抗生素特性,有助于缓解诸如皮肤感染、皮疹和烧伤等疾病。
  • 蓖麻油:有效渗透到皮肤层,作为治疗暗疮、去除干燥斑块和恢复水分的良方。

任何肌肤类型 – 包括干性肌肤所面对的黑头白头问题。

早上和晚上洁脸后使用,随后再搽上合适的脸霜 – 涂抹于患处或在全脸,每天使用两次。为了达到最佳效果应配合保湿护肤品使用

Oil Free Sebum Solution


Effectively prevent blackheads and whiteheads with our plant-based formula. Oil Free Sebum Solution contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial ingredients to control sebum secretion without causing irritation or pore congestion. The addition of Mentha Arvensis leaf extract and Tea Tree Oil imparts a subtle, refreshing sensation, delivering an instant calming effect for your skin.

Size: 30ml


  • Witch Hazel (Hamamelis Virginiana Extract): Soothes inflammation, fights bacteria, and acts as an antioxidant.
  • Willow Bark (Salix Alba Bark Extract): Improves skin texture, acts as a natural exfoliant, and aids in pore cleansing to reduce blackheads and breakouts.
  • Papain: Renewing enzymes that exfoliate skin, enhance complexion radiance, and offer rich B vitamins and antioxidants.
  • Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Leaf): Reduces scars, promotes wound healing, and protects from UV damage.
  • Wild Mint (Mentha Arvensis Leaf Extract): Protects skin from infections by acting as a shield against bacteria, fungi, and other microbes.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Possesses antibiotic properties and aiding in alleviating ailments such as skin infections, rashes, and burns.
  • Castor Oil: Effectively penetrates skin layers, serving as a remedy for acne, removing dry patches, and restoring hydration.

  All Skin Type – Including black & white heads on dry skin

Suitable for day and night use after cleansing, follow by moisturizer – Apply Adequately onto affected are or over face, use twice daily. For best results, follow by hydration products.