High Potency Advance Cream


Tens’Up™ 緊顏霜采用了高浓度的Peptide和Tens’Up™配方,旨在预防衰老迹象。这独特的配方能够促进皮肤中胶原蛋白的合成,为肌肤提供全方位的护理。长期使用不仅可以改善肌肤外观,还具有显著的提拉和紧致效果。

产品规格: 50克

  • 六胜肽:通过肌肉放松、胶原蛋白重新组织和弹性蛋白活性增强,减少肌肉收缩和细纹,提高皮肤质量。
  • 菊苣根:增强皮肤,减少皱纹,使皮肤光滑,同时结合了即时收紧和长效刺激胶原蛋白,使皮肤更紧致、更柔软,并增加光泽。
  • 白芒花籽油:含有天然维生素E和抗氧化剂,为敏感肌肤提供柔软和光滑。形成保护性屏障膜,保持皮肤完整性,并提供抗衰老和保湿效果。
  • 角鯊烷:作为天然保湿剂,能深入滋润并形成保护性薄膜,抵御干燥和紫外线,保持皮肤水分、弹性和青春光泽。
  • 膠原蛋白:通过预防皱纹、平滑细纹、提供保湿、紧致和抗衰老效果,保持皮肤弹性、水分平衡,并减少老化迹象。


适合早上和晚上使用 – 潔膚後,取適量均勻塗抹於臉部肌膚至吸收。

High Potency Advance Cream


Prevent signs of aging with High Potency Advanced Cream, formulated with a high concentration of Peptide and Tens’Up™ to increase collagen synthesis in the skin. It provides a long-term improvement in overall skin appearance with a lifting and tightening effect.


Size: 50gm

  • Acetyl Hexapeptide-8: Reducing muscle contractions and fine lines while enhancing skin quality through muscle relaxation, collagen reorganization, and boosted elastin activity.
  • Tens’Up™: Enhances skin, reduces wrinkles, and smoothens while combining instant tensioning and long-lasting collagen stimulation for firmer, softer skin with increased radiance.
  • Meadowfoam Seed Oil: Contains natural vitamin E with antioxidants, offering softness and smoothness for sensitive skin. Forms a protective barrier film, maintaining skin integrity and providing anti-aging and moisturizing effects.
  • Squalene: Acts as a natural moisturizer, penetrating deeply to hydrate and form a protective film against dryness and UV rays, maintaining skin moisture, elasticity, and youthful luster.
  • Collagen: Maintains skin elasticity, moisture balance, and reduces aging signs by preventing wrinkles, smoothing fine lines, and offering moisturizing, firming, and anti-aging effects.

All Skin Type

Suitable for day and night use – After cleansing, apply an appropriate amount to the face and neck.