Camellia Hydrator


一款轻盈的保湿霜。融合了山茶籽油和高保湿的玻尿酸,它不仅仅提供瞬时的保湿效果,更以其24小时持久保湿的特性为您的皮肤注入滋润能量。山茶籽油的独特之处在于它不仅保持肌肤水分,还赋予肌肤柔软和弹性。此外,Camellia Hydrator中的甘草成分更是为肌肤提供了额外的呵护,舒缓刺激和红肿,同时增强肌肤的水分屏障。


产品规格: 50克

  • 山茶花/苦茶籽油:拥有高保湿性和深层渗透力,增强弹性并舒缓不适,同时促进自然光泽。
  • 玻尿酸:提供强效的水分滋润并锁住水分,平滑细纹和皱纹。
  • 胶原蛋白:改善皮肤弹性,保持水分平衡,减少明显皱纹,并迅速改善衰老迹象。
  • 甘草:舒缓脆弱的皮肤,加强皮肤的保湿屏障以预防刺激和不适。同时减少红肿并恢复皮肤的柔软度。


适合早上和晚上使用 – 取适量面霜于指尖或掌心,乳化至半透明,轻柔按压于面部,颈部。

Camellia Hydrator


A lightweight moisturizer designed for dry skin. Infused with Camellia Seed Oil and highly moisturizing Hyaluronic Acid, it delivers a lasting 24-hour hydrating and moisturizing effect. Camellia Seed Oil retains the skin’s moisture, leaving it soft and supple. Additionally, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate in the Camellia Hydrator soothes irritation and redness, strengthening the skin’s moisture barrier.


Size: 50gm

  • Camellia Seed Oil: Boasts high moisture retention and deep skin penetration, enhancing elasticity and relieving discomfort while promoting natural radiance.
  • Sodium Hyaluronate: Delivers intense hydration and traps moisture, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Collagen: Improves skin elasticity and maintains water balance, reducing visible wrinkles and rapidly improving signs of aging.
  • Dipotassium Glycyrrhizinate: Soothes fragile skin, strengthens the skin’s moisture barrier to prevent irritation and discomfort. It also reduces redness and restores skin suppleness.

All Skin Type

Suitable for day and night use – Pat a small amount between fingertips and press gently into cleansed skin.