Aqua Plus


Aqua Plus蜗牛粘液提取物,让您的肌肤摆脱干燥受损,焕发出活力。蜗牛粘液提供天然独特的多种成分组合,全方位滋润、修复和滋养肌肤。胶原蛋白在配方中的作用不仅预防初老迹象,还增强皮肤的弹性,带来更年轻的外观。配方中的玻尿酸为肌肤提供深层保湿,使其水分水平得到有效提升。


产品规格: 50毫升

  • 蜗牛分泌物:提供水分并具有消肿和抗炎特性,具有镇痛作用。持续使用可使皮肤更加光滑透亮。
  • 尿囊素:因其在细胞修复、伤口愈合、保湿以及增强皮肤自然保护机制方面的作用而受到认可。
  • 氢化聚癸烯:温和且不刺激,为皮肤提供营养和水分。
  • 透明质酸钠:提供强效保湿并锁住水分,平滑细纹和皱纹。


适合早上和晚上使用 – 洁面后,取适量均匀涂抹于面部及颈部,轻微打圈按摩动作至吸收即可

Aqua Plus


Rejuvenate dry, damaged skin with Aqua Plus snail mucin extract. Snail mucin offers a naturally unique combination of different compositions to hydrate, repair, and nourish the skin. With collagen to help prevent signs of pre-aging, hyaluronic acid combining with our formula to boost skin hydration level. It replenishes your skin with what it needs.


Size: 50ml

  • Snail Secretion Filtrate: Provides moisture and has swelling and anti-inflammatory properties, offering analgesic effects. Continued use results in smoother and translucent skin.
  • Allantoin: is recognized for its role in cell repair, wound healing, hydration, and strengthening the skin’s natural protection mechanisms.
  • Hydrogenated Polydecene: Gentle and non-irritating, it provides nourishment and moisture to the skin.
  • Sodium Hyaluronate: Delivers intense hydration and traps moisture, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles.

All Skin Type

Suitable for day and night use – After cleansing, apply evenly to the face and neck, perform light circular massage movement till fully absorb.