Advance Soluble Peptide Collagen Mask





  • 水解胶原蛋白:通过减少脱皮和恢复柔软度,改善干燥或受损皮肤的外观。它促进皮肤饱满度和弹性,增强保湿和抗衰老效果。
  • 水解弹性蛋白:作为皮肤增强剂使用,它在局部刺激细胞生长,导致细胞更新的效果,使皮肤随着时间变得更加光滑。
  • 棕榈酰三肽-5:与皮肤细胞进行交流,并促进胶原蛋白的产生,有助于提高皮肤的紧致度和弹性。
  • 左旋C:具有强效的抗氧化和舒缓皮肤的作用,改善老化迹象的外观。它可以解决黑斑、肤色不均、皱纹、松弛和暗沉等问题。


适合早上和晚上使用 – 清洁面部。在脸部所需部位涂抹爽肤水,然后敷上水解性面膜 ,喷洒或涂上爽肤水,轻轻绕圈拍打直至精华吸收,可以把多余纤维撕落。 每周使用1-2次。

Advance Soluble Peptide Collagen Mask


Through the advance formulation, activate skin cells, nourish and replenish moisture deeply. Effectively improves and firmness sagging skin, brightens skin tone. Skin looks supple and glossy.

  • Hydrolyzed Collagen: Enhances the appearance of dry or damaged skin by reducing flaking and restoring suppleness. It promotes skin plumpness and elasticity, enhancing moisturizing and anti-aging effects.
  • Hydrolyzed Elastin: Used as a skin booster, it stimulates cell growth topically, leading to a renewing effect that makes the skin smoother over time.
  • Palmitoyl Tripeptide-5: Communicates with skin cells and boosts collagen production, contributing to improved skin firmness and elasticity.
  • L-ascorbic Acid: Acts as a potent antioxidant and skin-soothing agent, improving the appearance of aging signs. It can address issues such as dark spots, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, loss of firmness, and dullness.

All Skin Type

Suitable for day and night use – After cleanse face, apply toner over the face. Put on soluble mask on desired area, spray or apply toner or essence onto the mask, gently circle till essence absorb, excess fiber can be remove. Use 1-2 times per week.